Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Valdosta, Georgia! The disadvantaged communities, unpublished news worthy info and the Economically Oppressed, Public Meetings!

December 9, 2012

TO:  My Fellow Georgians, American Citizens and beyond!

SUBJECT:  Ignored News & what has the U.S. Justice Department done to bring relief to the disadvantage communities without television, radio and news papers in rural communities across America?  (During and election year of politics)   http://kvci.blogspot.com/2011/01/quitman-ten-whiteout-of-march-speakers.html#!/2011/01/quitman-ten-whiteout-of-march-speakers.html

Be it known that Valdosta along with the entire State of Georgia has kept citizens in a state of ignorance; shock and awe by not reporting cutting edge news stories.  It is as if they have buried their head in the sand like the legend concerning the Ostrich Bird while Georgians continue to suffer and are ill informed.

-           NAACP Branch Established in Quitman-Brooks County but no news media coverage!  It was as if it never happened….why this whiteout in Brooks County! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ6qNPMOtl4&feature=related
-          Unpublished News from public meetings in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia (30 Jail Deaths and White Registered Nurse Ignored by elected officials) why?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUGDH0vt8_o&feature=related
-          Citizens placed as the last item on Valdosta City Council Agenda, even council comments come before Citizens to be heard portion of the meeting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ5cvy_GYcE&feature=related
-          RADIO TALK SHOW HOST:  GUN PULLED ON HIM:  Representative Staffer:  (See for yourself) http://kvci.blogspot.com/#!/2011/09/2-rhynes-and-henderson-michael-f-bryant.html

Due to unpublished news worthy reports in South Georgia the Historic Archival Records are incomplete and in too many cases has been lost forever. 

-          NAACP & Black Youths Ignored by the Quitman Free Press and other South Georgia News media Outlets:  Why?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZZGvedkqHk&feature=related
-          Quitman 10 and the Whiteout Process:  http://southgajustice.blogspot.com/

This mathematical fact has been documented and will be stored for our children and coming generations to see what have been excluded from the Georgia Historic Archival Records.

-          Blacks Ignored from Valdosta City Hall when Black children come from schools to tour this public building.  Why?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on3vUrkFp-k&list=PLDBD6DCF42B65D37A&index=33&feature=plpp_video
-          Rail Road Tracks & Pictures made available but not published to any agree to the general public. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmkX9rqU_j0&feature=related
-          Valdosta Citizens reaching out beyond their own community to lend a helping hand.  (See for yourself)  It is what it is….  http://whiteoutnews.blogspot.com/2011/12/5-rosewood-at-old-prince-hall-masonic.html
-          Whites also support the Quitman 10, but this too was ignored.  Why? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk7dyhYCURE&feature=related

The late Georgia Senator Robert Brown of Macon made several trips to Brooks County but were ignored by the South Georgia News Media for whatever reasons.  However, Senator Jack Kingston’s visits are highly publicized when he arrives in the area along with other conservatives without the whiteout, blackout and lockout. 

Therefore, the general public knows little to nothing about what transpired around the Quitman 10 being arrested except what a select people apparently wanted to be published to the general public.  So why is this?

This South Georgia News Media blackout, whiteout, shutout and lockout are frequently questioned by professors at Valdosta State University and at public meetings in our area. 

The Honorable Senator Brown, State Representatives Tyrone Brooks, David Lucas along with other Civil and Human Rights Leaders that traveled from across the nation to Quitman in support of the Quitman 10 were ignored.   
Senator Brown speaks on JUSTICE in Georgia for June 18, 2011.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQZzqcKojbY&feature=related

The late Senator Robert Brown & David Lucas (walking) planning for return visit to Brooks County in support of the Quitman 10 and alleged voter intimidation meeting:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyZdQjkEnIw&feature=BFa&list=SPC9AD432BAF3F9464&lf=list_related

Representative Tyrone Brooks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJo8aIbTFFc&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=SPC9AD432BAF3F9464

Representative David Lucas speaks in support of the Quitman 10.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocjyreY0piQ&feature=related

On December 21, 2010 the Quitman 10 should have had their stories published to the general public.  Even the fact that Brooks County voters claimed voter intimidated by GBI Agents were all a whiteout and NOT reported to the general public concerning their voter fraud case.  Therefore, we must question of the Quitman 10 can receive a fair trial and if they can seat a jury that is from among their peers here in the Southern Jurisdiction of Georgia where there are few or NO Black African Americans in power sitting on the bench?

-          Rev. Joseph Lowery organization the Peoples Agenda Representative Ms. Ruffin’s (Atlanta)  Ignored by South Georgia News Media: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxXSjqPi0oI&feature=related

It should be noteworthy that Valdosta-Lowndes County is leading the State of Georgia in jail deaths. 

-          Inmate (Death) Willie James Williams and  the Honorable Judge Hugh Lawson Court Order and Decree (Video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3930808120854021155#
North Georgia News Papers, Television and Radio Stations have reported that Lowndes County is king in inmate jail deaths. 
-          Representative Congressional Aid and Staffer alleged terror threats ignored for 14 days until informed that this should be reported to the general public: 
That is from 1994 to 2009 there have been 30 jailed inmates to die and since 2009 citizens are denied the right to know just how many jail deaths has occurred for whatever reasons. 

Lowndes County Attorney states that the Lowndes County Sheriffs Department is not under the Georgia Open Records Act and that citizens do not have a right to know about deaths in the jail!

Not even State Governmental Bodies in the State Capitol will force local South Georgia Governments to release this information to the general public.  Much of this information has been brought to the attention of the United States Department of Justice.

I predict that in 2012 the State of Georgia will see a new flow of living waters of truth flowing as never before in the history of our beloved state.  This may come as a result of earth will be in the Age of Aquarius for the next 2,000 years.  This means that there will be a breaking of the water within the minds, hearts, and soul of (ALL) real human beings the world over.
-          Civil Rights Legend Representative Tyrone Brooks addresses Georgia GBI in Brooks County Georgia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4awHBWLt2vk&feature=related
-          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and what are THEY waiting FOR in a NO action City, County and State? (What has democrats done differently from Republicans?) WCTV……
This means that lies, half truths and game playing will no longer be accepted nor will hidden agenda thrust upon others individuals with wire and metal hearts that does not care about human life. 
-          SCLC President Speaks and Traveled to Quitman, Georgia.  Just another WHITEOUT, LOCKOUT, BLACKOUT:  Why?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-7kTySPEg4&feature=BFa&list=SPC9AD432BAF3F9464&lf=list_related
-          NAACP President sends representative:  All ignored….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Deyy2bw8oMQ&feature=BFa&list=SPC9AD432BAF3F9464&lf=list_related

The turning away from the reverse patriots and reverse believers in God has already started.  In addition, we must understand that NO weapon that is formed against the righteous shall prosper or travel into the hereafter.  Therefore, we must unite around our God and let the followers of Satan continue in their ancestor’s foot steps of hate and self destruction. 

LASTLY: We are not who we claim to be but who we prove ourselves to be over a given period of time. Moreover, when truth comes into the minds of those that seek truth then all falsehood must vanish and falsehood is forever a vanishing thing. God bless both the righteous and the NOT so righteous.

-          Representative David Lucas Speaks about the Georgia Election and problems within the State of Georgia.  Yes, it too was ignored in Quitman, Georgia with 150-200 citizens.  Why?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUKs29Sdo2g&feature=related

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity

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