Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quitman 10, Plus 2 = An indictment of 12 Outstanding Brooks County Citizens!


- Will or can the Quitman 10, PLUS 2, receive equal justice in Quitman, Brooks County or here in South Georgia?

- Will or can they be DISCRIMINATED against and assigned a MAJORITY or all White Grand Jury and JURY TRIAL?

- Will or can the Quitman 10 be judged by citizens of their peers (Equal Black Representation)?

- Will or can Black and White Right citizens see -------a HAND picked JURY with only ONE or TWO Blacks----to decide the case of the Quitman 10, plus 2?

- Wll or can we expect the majority to place Blacks that are too afraid to stand up against the historical record that has too often proven itself; to be against Black African Americans in Quitman and Brooks County Georgia?

- Has the Quitman 10 received equal news coverage concerning the alleged absentee ballot accuzations? Was the actual investigation done fair and equally when it comes to the absentee ballots that were cased by all citizens of Brooks County and NOT just the Black African American Community?

- Was Senator Robert Brown correct when he said this is being done in one form or another around the state to intimidate Voters in the State of Georgia?

- Did Georgia Secretary of State have anything to do with this case?

- Did did the Quitman Free Press have any impact on this case?

- Did the DA have any impact on the initial reasons for starting the investigations and has this been investigated and reported to the general public?

- Did a majority dominated Brooks County School Board of Education have on this case if any?

- Did a majority Black School Board establish a better atmostphere on the board as Retired Brooks County Board Member Frank Thomas said during several rallies and as reported in the VDT today?

Unreported Information and Links that Georgians and Americans need to review: Were you informed of the following? If not, why not?

1. The truth must be told and untruths exposed for all to see and know!

a. People came from around the State of Georgia: Senator Brown, Representative Lucas and others from Atlanta, Georgia:

2. Community Rally June 11, 2011, with Senators, Representative, Peoples Agenda, SCLC, NAACP, and others were ignored by the South Georgia News Media. Why?

3. Meeting with 200 (June 18, 2011)citizens Ignored. Quitman ten!

4. Picture without the Mug Shots And what was not reported to the general public!

5. NAACP State President Edward DuBose Working For the Quitman 10...

6. Quitman 10, SCLC, NAACP, GABEO, Peoples Agenda and others all working to educate our children in times like these!

7. The Honorable Rev. Joseph Lowery sends greetings and thanks to the Quitman 10!

8. Not a Black or White Thing but a right thing and Whites Sound off in Macon, Georgia! (Georgia Secretary of State)

9. Representative Tyrone Brooks mentions the GBI….Sheriff, but we are going to keep on marching……. Did you see this in the news?

Civil Rights Songs and purpose of a movement:

Tyrone Brooks “I have been arrested 66 times and willing to make it 67 times”

Tyrone Brooks feels tired to Brooks County and the Quitman 10.

10. SCLC President stands in support of the Quitman 10...

11. News Media Whiteout of the Quitman 10 and other news worthy information…

Whiteout News about the Quitman 10, Video Part II.

12. South Georgia News Media and Citizens Right to know!

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity,

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