We are not who we claim to be; but who we prove ourselves to be over a given period of time. And when truth comes in to the minds of those that seek truth then all falsehood must vanish and falsehood is forever a vanishing thing..
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Rev. Floyd Rose, President Obama, Columnist Cal Thomas and Valdosta Daily Times Rant (October 25, 2011) Segregation!
October 25, 2011
TO: All Concerned Americans, News Media Outlets, Internet, Blog, You Tube and Beyond....
Not For News Paper Publication; but can be found on Internet, http://kvci.blogspot.com
Today' s VDT Rant (October 25th), 2011 read; "Rev. Rose is an honest man. He says that the VCS is segregated and that's the way he wants it."
What was the purpose in publishing this despicable rant about a highly respected member of both the Black and White Right Community here in South Georgia? The individual should have asked somebody if he did not know Minister Rose, and what he has been fighting for all of his adult life. Perhaps the writer was exposing what is within his or her own heart,mind, and soul?
Moreover, Minister Rose have been fighting for civil and human rights before I knew what the fight was all about! So, if the ranter wanted to know about Minister Rose prior to calling into the news paper all he had to do was contact him. I have been side by side with Minister Rose on major issues and his views are well known by all who care to ask, read his books, watch his videos or listen to his many religious sermons given around the country.
Therefore, it is time for this type of venom to cease in our beloved community. We see, watch, and listen daily as this same unnecessary venom is thrust upon America's 44th President along with his little children without shame by today's patriots and christians.http://media matters.org/blog/201005280025
More from American patriots and christians of today about America's 44th President and his family.
President Barack Obama little being criticized, http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200904020038 , President Obama hates White People,
No wonder News Papers across the nation are closing down their presses because real news are not reported to the general public. People are sick and tired of being played, and entertained by reverse patriots and christians of today. Yet, real news that concerns the suffering American Workers are ignored although given much attention in Bentonville, Arkansas and the stories continue with Forrespect.org along with ourwalmart.com.
The general public could have been better served by informing the general public that the Brooks County Grand Jury will be sending Representative Sanford Bishop Congressional Aid/Staff Worker case to trial as he perhaps had his constitutional rights violated.
It was on the 28th day of August, 2011, that Michael F. Bryant was the victim of a crime in Quitman, Georgia and it took 14 to 16 days for the South Georgia News Media to break this story to the general public; and some television station have yet to report on the story.
Unlike, the incident surrounding the Quitman Ten, and how Brooks County Voters were allegedly intimidated by the GBI and nothing has been reported in the news media about these Brooks County Voters! Yet a record has been compiled of these allegations with voters waiting to testify in the case I am told.
Moreover, the individuals name that allegedly perpetrated the crime against Congressional Staffer Michael Bryant has not been publicized as the members of the Quitman Ten (arrest on December 21, 2011) in the South Georgia News Media. Moreover the Quitman ten, names were repeatedly publicized to the general public with venom I am told. Yet, a Congressional Staffer of a United States Congressman seem to be so unimportant in our community as citizens watch local news media's action or lack thereof.
EXAMPLE: It is public record that the accused James Spence Greene, Jr., will be going to trial on the following counts on MONDAY, THE 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011 at the Brooks County Court House at 9:30A.M. It is well known that this is public record but how much does the general public know about this serious incident and the STATUS OF THE CASE MOVING FORWARD?
Introduction of news worthy information that went unreported......
Local Radio Station Michael F. Bryant and Economically Oppressed People ignored.
Count (1) Aggravated Assault,
Count (2) Possession of a Firearm during Commission Of a Felony,
Count (3) Aggravated Assault,
Count (4) Possession Of A Firearm During Commission Of A Felony, (Springfield Colt 45 caliber handgun),
Count (5) False Imprisonment,
Count (6) Possession Of A Firearm During Commission Of A Felony (Springfield Colt 45 Caliber handgun,
Therefore, it is my hope that some level of equality and equal justice and respect can be followed in our beloved community. I am not the only person in Valdosta-Lowndes County concerned about how Minister Rose is depicted or how other incidents in our community is being highlighted even by students and educators at Valdosta State University.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Former President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County NAACP
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity
PS: I know Minister Rose does not want anyone apologizing for him in such matters but I do it for the good of our beloved Republic and the time I spent in the United States Armed Forces in foreign lands that I write and defend even our 44th President of our beloved nation!
Valdosta Daily Times, Columnist Cal Thomas and George Boston Rhynes Response!
October 23, 2011
George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31605
TO: My Fellow Americans, News Media Outlets, Cal Thomas, Internet, You Tube, http://www.youtube.com/user/bostongbr#p/c/9D5E31BFD3F4BDBD/0/dxa4egGzCus
Blog http://kvci.blogspot.com and Beyond
Not for Newspaper publications! But available on internet blogs http://kvci.blogspot.com, and on You Tube and beyond.....
Cal Thomas column in today’s Valdosta Daily Times (Oct 21, 2011) read “Vote for Obama because he’s Black.” His article quoted President Barack Obama as saying at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, “….There is not a Black America and a White American and Latino America and Asian America---there is the United States of America.”
Normally, I do not use terms for today’s reverse patriots and Christians. However, I will make an exception here and say that Columnist Cal Thomas is a BOLD face lie! This reverse patriot accused President Obama and saying that Obama has divided us along race and class lines more than any modern president. http://www.youtube.com/user/bostongbr#p/c/9D5E31BFD3F4BDBD/2/TbWCmxN9YTc
The columnist continued spewing out his mean spirited venom towards Rev. Al Sharpton and other Black Leaders along with the 44th President of our sons and daughters now serving their nation on foreign battlefields at a time when our beloved nation is at war. Shame on you and NOT President Obama!
Moreover, Columnist Thomas along with Black Female Columnists Star Parker, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, Monica somebody and other reverse modern day patriots and born again Christians; that cannot see anything good about the 44th President of the United States and a Child of God. These reverse Christians and patriots dislike the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF so much that they have set a new precedent for all future presidents and will be seen around the world for decades to come.
Columnist Thomas! Blacks have always respected and voted for all White Male Presidents without hateful venom we see coming from today’s reverse patriots and Christians in our beloved nation. Moreover, when we were labeled three fifths of a human being; and told that a Black man did not have any rights that a White person had to respect. Blacks were denied even their rights under the Constitution of the United States for centuries. But Blacks never spewed out the hateful venom that reverse patriots and Christians are sending around the world revealing what is within the hearts of many christian patriots. How Sad and unpatriotic?
But I do appreciate the columnist and others for allowing the world to see what is contained within your heart, soul, and minds as they follower their god. America’s Historical Archival Record has documented that Blacks have always voted for White Male Presidents and even Ray Charles saw how Blacks always voted for White men without the venom!
So why should Black and White Right People NOT vote for President Obama just because he is Black? What did the patriotic columnist say when Blacks were denied the right to vote or have their name on a ballot; but voted for Whites; just because they were White and even Ray Charles could see that they were White.
So rest assured Columnist Thomas that today’s reverse patriots and Christians will never suffer under this Black President as Blacks suffered under some of the other 43 all White Male Presidents. Moreover, your actions are revealing that; had you and other reverse patriots and christians were forced to suffer as the sons and daughters of former slaves; then our republic more than likely would have been destroyed from within; based upon your dislike for America’s First Black African American (Historic) President at a time when our nation is at war.
Again, be it known that President Obama will never inflict the same amount of pain, suffering and mistreatment upon you and others as were inflicted upon the people from the land of the burnt faced people. http://www.youtube.com/user/bostongbr#p/c/9D5E31BFD3F4BDBD/4/PWqMtCD0Vmg
In addition, Columnist Thomas said that Blacks are beginning to understand that they have been played for suckers by the Democratic Party, Al Sharpton and other Black leaders along with President Obama. No, Mr. Thomas; if playing the sucker mentality has been thrust upon Blacks; it did not start three years ago with our current president; but it had to start with some of the other 43 all White Male Presidents.
So Comumnist Thomas don’t ask our God to repent himself or herself; for allowing President Obama to serve as President of the United States of America. But you are welcome to ask your god to repent himself; for apparently making his or her first mistake. For our God forbids us from criticizing another human being for their imperfections; but in all things to give thanks and praise to him (Our God) through prayer, fasting and supplication that our leaders will be successful in serving humanity.
Lastly, we are instructed that there are none perfect among us and this includes President Barack Obama along with the other 43 White Male President that preceded him. So, God bless both the righteous and the not so righteous. Luke 4:18, and Galatians 6:7.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Valdosta "The Way and World of CUEE" October 25, 2011
CUEE’s well-funded attempt to get Valdostans to abandon their school system demonstrates how economic elites use their power today. Here is CUEE’s own local, homegrown recipe on how to do that. Feel free to share it with others.
Step 1) Instead of forcing people to do something, have your attorneys (or attorney friends) use the law, “incorporate” your efforts, and say that you are a community “non-profit organization.” This both limits your personal liability and gives the public the impression that you are trying to “help” the community, that you are something like a “homeless shelter” or the “YMCA.” It doesn’t really matter if you ever become a non-profit officially or not (CUEE has not). The point is to appear as one.
Step 2) Once you are incorporated, carefully handpick a small number of locally respected and compliant folks to join and endorse your cause, especially people that look different from you. You see, most of us feel important when “important people” include us in things and this move makes it seem you want to be inclusive. It’s also better to always get others to do your bidding for you. Once aboard, get these folks to sell your idea to the masses. If they turn out to be non-complaint, or if they ask too many tough questions, simply stop inviting them to your meetings and replace them with a new group of agreeable people. At the same time, be sure to always politely and quietly exclude anyone who asks to be a part of your effort, especially those that may ask too many questions about your motives or plans.
Step 3) When you embark on your effort, say that you are simply interesting in “looking at an issue” and then commission “a study” on it. This gives the public the appearance that you are really being objective and are open minded, that you don’t have a pre-defined goal. If it is discovered that your “study’ is seriously flawed or if it shows something you don’t want it to reveal, downplay or simply dismiss it. If you are asked about it, say it was simply a “first look” at the issue, that it was a “pilot study” of sorts.
Step 4) This one is really important. In addition to using corporate law, use the electoral process to your advantage as well. Again, relying on those around you with legal expertise, find and exploit any loopholes, strange, or outdated statutes in the law to get what you want. For example, if the law says a county school system has to absorb a city school system if that city system abandons its charter, and citizens in that county don’t have a say in the matter, exploit that statute. This may do a couple of important things. First, it may shift attention from you to the people who get to “vote” on the matter, as if they are the problem. However, keep in mind this tactic can backfire and may actually unite some folks against you. Second, saying that you “just want to put the matter to a vote” makes you appear to be “democratic.” In fact, you can say that you are simply wanting “the people to decide” the matter through our sacred voting process. Never mind the fact that you are excluding other folks affected by that vote, a point you want to minimize as much as possible.
Keep in mind that in order to “use” the electoral process you’ll have to set up a “referendum” committee to get the issue on the local ballot. This again will take some money and legal expertise. However, this will also allow you to “legally” raise thousands upon thousands of confidential dollars from other elites to fund your agenda (you know, for the stuff you’ll need, office space, staff, advertising, etc.). Once it’s formed and money starts coming in, you can even use some of those funds to hire temporary workers. Use them to collect the signatures you’ll need to get your issue on the ballot in your next election. Workers won’t be hard to find especially in a time where lots of folks are hurting financially and need work.
Step 5) Once you are incorporated with your “referendum” committee in place, begin to symbolically “include” others, even a few of those that may challenge you. Say you want to “dialogue with the community.” However, be sure to do this in a way you control (the time, place, location, rules of engagement), something like a “public forum” you host. Then show up at the event, be friendly, nod, and smile as folks share their concerns, evidence, and objections. Appear as if you are listening and seriously weighing what people have to say. Be sure to thank them for “caring enough to come out” to the forum. After you do a few of these events (never in places where you are outnumbered by poor people or people that don’t look like you), wrap them up and thank “the public” for their valuable “input.” Tell them their comments will be “seriously considered” as you move forward and that you appreciate their “participation.” In short, act as if you are going to weigh all the evidence and don’t already have your mind made up.
Step 6) Now that you have your corporation, “study,” committee of allies, a political fundraising arm, and “a vote” in place, and after you have “listened” to and “dialogued” with “the community,” BOMBARD the voting community with an expensive and extensive advertising campaign (flyers, websites, email, radio, billboards, etc.). In that campaign tell voters how to vote. Catchy, heart touching slogans and phrases always works best, something like “vote yes for our children” is great because who wants to vote “no” for children? Also, be sure to use whatever images or celebrities that might appeal to those you are “targeting.” If you can, use someone who looks or sounds famous (even if they are not). Use people’s heroes to get them to vote your way, somebody like a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because who can disagree with Dr. King? Ignore any and all outcries about the integrity of your tactics and quietly shift to someone less sacred if folks are offended by your approach.
Step 7) With everything in motion, at this point sit back and hope your tactics will get a majority of folks to vote your way. Remember, be patient. If you fail this time, you have plenty of dollars, power, and time to come at it again down the road, especially when the community gets tired or is distracted with other, more pressing issues (like finding and keeping jobs, making ends meet, getting healthcare, etc.).
Noting these steps, I should say that there are a few rules rich folks do have to abide by if they are going to be successful. Here are a few of those.
Rule 1) You must be adaptable and change your message and language as necessary, especially when you meet serious opposition. For instance, when people challenge the idea of “consolidation” simply change the word to “unification,” unification sounds better and the idea of unity is a hard one to argue against. Furthermore, always and repeatedly say you are about things like “fairness,” “equality,” “the children,” and “our future.” What good-hearted person can be against those things?
Rule 2) Never, never, never, never tell folks where you are getting your money, how much money you have, how you are paying for everything, and who gets paid what. If you are legally required to share that information, wait to that last possible minute to do so. Also, never tell people where you live in relation to poor people and the people most affected by your agenda. Never tell anyone how much you make a year, how much you are worth, or where your kids go to school. Never disclose how much property you own or the names of the powerful people you have close ties to or play golf with. To do so might raise suspicion about your motives and ultimate agenda.
Rule 3) If asked why you now care about “your” issue, one you ignored for decades, remain silent and play ignorant. If people ask if you, or those around you, benefited from that issue (like how many of Valdosta’s elite built and marketed suburb after suburb and those “good county schools” to whites for years) change the subject immediately. Simply answer with catch phrases and slogans. Explain that you are simply worried about “the community” and “the children” because “they are the future.” Never admit to or take any responsibility of any kind.
Rule 4) Last but certainly not least, through it all you must always remain calm, pleasant, and “in control.” This means you must never become emotional or lose your temper publicly. Also, never, never, never apologize for anything or admit to any mistakes or questionable actions. This shows weakness. Just remember to always be polite, rational, “civilized,” and appear sensible as you carry out your plans.
So there it is, a peek into the world and way of CUEE and its creators. As a model that is both “legal” and “civilized,” CUEE’s approach demonstrates that the best way to get folks to do one’s will is to “sell” it to them instead of forcing it upon them. That way they think they are utterly involved and “participating” in the decision making process. That way they will consent to the outcome. That way, and because it is “legal,” they are apt to think it is morally upright. Regardless of the fact that none of these are necessarily true, it is also an approach you can expect to see again and again in the future regardless of the voting outcome of November 8th.
Mark Patrick George
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