Wednesday, December 14, 2011

City of Douglas! Douglas-Coffee County Noose Incident, City split on noose incident, GA. NAACP joins local protest.

City of Douglas is split on noose incident, Ga. NAACP joins local protest
·         By Patrick Davis, Macon Political Buzz Examiner
The city of Douglas is a rural town in South Georgia which is two hours southeast of Macon, and ninety minutes northeast of Valdosta.

Douglas is the home of the re-opened Pilgrim Pride chicken processing plant, but also where Dixiecrat politics and Jim Crow culture is alive and well in which some city officials feel comfortable re-enacting lynching scenes with a noose without fear of reprecussion or consequence.

Some attempt to portray the incident(s) as a  joke, but it speaks to a much larger socio-political problem in rural South Georgia in 2011--nearly fifty years after the Voting and Civil Rights Acts.. 

State NAACP officials traveled to the city of Douglas in Coffee County, Georgia in an effort to support the protest of  alleged racist incidents involving city employees.

The State NAACP are prepared to call the Justice Department and report this as a hate crime. Additionally, local African-Americans expressed that their speaking out may cause a backlash from local Dixiecrats.

It isn't just one lone incident, but a couple of incidents which requires more scrutiny.

In September 2010 at a training exercise for Douglas City Police officers.--according to the Douglas Enterprise newspaper-- it is alleged that Rodger Goddard took a noose that was tied by another officer (said to be Bart McCulloch), held it up in the air, and told African American officer Tony Ward “This is for you.”

Officer Ward didn't see it as  a joke, and was offended.

The City of Douglas Police Department Detective Rodger Goddard--who is white-- was disciplined and eventually terminated by the Douglas City Manager Terrell Jacobs in October 2011 .

However, one month later in mid-November, the Douglas City Commission, consisting of six members were deadlocked at 3-3 in regard to reinstating Goodard.

Olivia Pearson, a city commissioner who is African-American , had stated during the mid-November meeting: “My position is whoever was involved, let the investigation find that out and everybody can be dealt with. There could be additional repercussions involving others. 

The mayor's vote to reinstate a police detective who was taunting a fellow officer with a noose should be inexcusable and warrant a severe discipline, but the outgoing mayor's vote showed a lack of .sensitivity in the majority-minority city of Douglas.

Johnnie Lee Roper then stated, “I have been a witness to a lynching. It was 1944. I watched it; they made all of us watch. My thing is, this is poor judgment for a police officer. It is not a pleasant sight to watch a man dangle from the end of a rope.”

Goodard was reassigned and rewarded with a law enforcement position within the City of Douglas Code Enforcement Department.

With Goodard back at work, is this over? Many in the Douglas' community along with members of the State NAACP--led by Edward Dubose-- says this isn't the end of this and should not be tolerated in this community in 2011.

The city of Douglas, according to the 2010 Census, is 52 percent African-American and has a growing Latino population of six percent. So this city of approximately 12,000 people has a minority population of close to 60 percent.

The behavior of the police officer shouldn't be tolerated and unfortunately the Dixiecrat culture which had a stronghold over many rural southern communities need to be challenged.

For the outgoing mayor to bring back Goodard and summarily dismiss the noose incident is a bad sign, but it should be a wake up call for everybody-- including members of the African-American and Latino communities in Douglas and Coffee County.

The ballot box is one way of providing a remedy for this type of behavior. The city commissioners who voted to support Goodard and this behavior should be held accountable.

Goodard had a history of reprimands and City Attorney Jerome Adams started the November hearing and outlined Goddard’s past work history which included being “on probation” for a separate incident and provided a foundation for him to be fired.

Will James Dennis, the new Douglas mayor,  follow in the same Dixiecrat footsteps of his predecessor, Jackie Wilson?

Dennis won on November 8th mayoral election over longtime City Commissioner Johnny Lee Roper by 534 votes in a city that has a majority-minority population. 

According to the Coffee County Elections Office, there were 2,470 votes cast for mayor. Overall, there are 5,139 active registered voters in the City of Douglas.

Overall, Dennis won with 1,491 votes to Roper's 957.

Dixiecrat politics is still alive and well in rural south Georgia, but every election cycle, African-Americans and open-minded progressive whites have an opportunity to do something about it at the ballot box-- starting in 2012.

* Thanks for keeping the general public informed with their type of news information!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

#1. Senator Robert Brown, Truth, South Georgia and Words of Comfort to...

The Honorable Senator Robert Brown never ignored the little people. He came to Brooks County several times but was ignored by the Quitman Free Press in Quitman and in other News Media Outlets as if he never came into South Georgia. He stood strong along side the Quitman 10 and he never reversed his stand and calling for equal justice in that alleged voter fraud case.

Senator Robert Brown, stood and I interviewed him several times and he was a man of honor! He will be a great void but we will retain and insure that his name and history will be included in the Historic Archival Records of South Georgia! Just because the South Georgia failed to recognize his visits of value. We will be to him what others were not and history will forever show this void of fair and balanced news reporting in our beloved community.

George Boston Rhynes
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity
Valdosta, Georgia

#15. Coffee County Noose Issue and Closing Prayer! Where is the Depar...

#14. Douglas-Coffee County! KVCI, Questions NAACP State President Edwar...

#13. Douglas-Coffee County Fire Chief & Noose Problem in South Georgia!

#12. Douglas-Coffee County Georgia, Hangman Noose Around Black Fireman's...

#11. Douglals-Coffee County Georgia Hangman Noose! M4V02680

#10. Douglas-Coffee County Speaks About God! M4V02673

#9. Douglas-Coffee County Fire Chief Must Go & Jim Crow Must Go!

#8. Coffee County Firefighters and Law Enforcement! Can they be trusted...

#7. Douglas-Coffee County Georgia! Noose Around his neck! M4V02670

#6. NAACP, State President Edward DuBose & Coffee County Fighters! M4V0...

#5. Douglas-Coffee County Georgia Noose! President Edward DuBose!

#4. Coffee County Georgia! NAACP President & Retired Military Veteran!

#3. Douglas-Coffee County Noose Around Black Minister Fire Fighter's Neck!

#3. Coffee County Georgia, Noose, Black Fire Fighter and Public Right to...

#1. Douglas-Coffee County Noose, High Electric Bills, Murders, Blacks on...

Called into Douglas-Coffee County Georgia to cover a story about a noose allegedly placed around a Black Fireman neck. Just keeping you informed along citizens right to know.....

Douglas-Coffee County Georgia NOOSE placed around Black Fireman's Neck! State NAACP President Edward DuBose Press Conference!

State of Georgia!
Douglas-Coffee County
Racial Problems From the 1800s
Noose Problems, Unresolved Murders,
High Electric Bills, Moved from their homes!

Information links from Douglas County City Hall on December 12, 2011; 6:30 PM; with 91 concerned citizens attending and demanding justice. Many citizens complained about decades of racial problems that has not been addressed even by the United State Justice Department and that it is time for a change! KVCI, was on location! GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES

#1. After traveling to Douglas-Coffee County Georgia for an NAACP Press Conference by Georgia State President Edward Dubose I returned to Valdosta, Georgia and recorded this OPENING VIDEO! (Noose placed around a Black African American Firefighter)

2. Noose Problem and an opening prayer! NAACP State President on site!

#.3. NAACP President Edward DuBose Comments on the issues!

#4. Video Douglas-Coffee County Georgia Involvement with Law Enforcement!

#5. NAACP State President on Noose and Law Enforcement!

#6. Jim Crow Must Go! Fire Chief and the noose! (President Edward DuBose)

#7. Fireman Training to try and save life: Noose in his area! Around his the neck of a Black fireman. So can we trust members of Law Enforcement and this includes judges and District Attorneys/

#8. Black fire Fighter Tells his story! Police Officer Not on the stage…..

#9. Fed up and won’t take no more! NAACP President Edward Dubose….

#10. Lady Speaks About God! Noose, high electric bills, among other things!

#11. Douglas County City Council & Blacks on Council Reactions!

#12. NAACP President makes it clear who must go! Noose problems in county

#13. Noose, Murders, Justice and NAACP President lay out his agenda!

#14. Noose, Fire chief and Police Chief must become educated on proper procedures!

#15. Douglas-Coffee County Noose Problem and closing prayer

NOW! Had this incident NOT occurred; this post would not have been generated. Therefore, don’t blame American Citizens for keeping the general public informed but those that seek to keep you ignorant. Peace, love and understanding.

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Valdosta-Lowndes County NAACP WONDERFUL Fundraiser and Our Community! (NEWS MEDIA PUBLISHERS)

Dear NAACP Members and Supporters:

Thank you for a WONDERFUL Fundraiser! Many people made donations in addition to purchasing their ticket. We were fortunate to have not one fantastic band, but TWO outstanding groups of musicians. I was simply awestruck when our Matt Flumerfelt started riffing with the other band, an improvisational tour de force!

It was a lovely evening, and I hope everyone had as wonderful a time as I did, socializing and networking and enjoying the great food and great music! I especially want to thank Blanche McIntyre for hostessing this event at Fruits of the Garden and educating us on how to hold a Wine Tasting Fundraiser, all the members of our Executive Committee who worked so hard to prepare the food, Matt Flumerfelt's band Dante's Inferno, and Matt who donated his musical talents last night, Bobbi Hancock who kept the cash box and Amy Terrell who networked with Two Friends Cafe to provide the cheese biscuits. If you visit Two Friends, be sure to compliment the owner, Brenda Anderson, and thank her for her donation to the NAACP. If you enjoyed the wings, be sure to visit Miss Vee's Diner and tell her!

Two groups made an investment in travel time to attend our Fundraiser: the National Association of Minority Truckers brought 3 officers and took out a membership in OUR branch! They were leaving this morning to head up to Huntsville, Alabama, to meet with black elected officials and the Huntsville NAACP. It was great to introduce them to Mayor Vickers and Dr. Angela Manning. The second group that supported us was Uplift, Inc, a non--profit shelter in Morven, GA, who brought 4 people and took out a membership in our branch. The director, Tyrone Tyrell, is a former activist with the Dekalb NAACP branch, so we look forward to working with him and his organization!

Thank you so much for all your support and friendship through this event. You all made it beautiful and successful!

May God Bless you all, always.


Fundraiser is held for Valdosta NAACP Youth Council and Scholarship Program

South Georgia News media Outlets were notified and we are thankful for the coverage that was given to this (MOST) important event-----to some of South Georgia Best Citizens and voters! Thanks for all participants and outside news media outlets.

Fundraiser is held for Valdosta NAACP Youth Council and Scholarship Program